Faith Formation Policies

Inclement Weather

If Inclement weather closes the public schools, there will be no Faith Formation classes that day. 

Baptismal Certificates

New Students in Grades 1-10 will need a photocopy of each child’s baptismal certificate with the Registration Form.  No child can begin classes in September unless we have a copy.  If your child was baptized at St. Anthony’s or St. Rita’s, please check the appropriate box on the Registration form.

Classroom Behavior

Behavior in the classroom will reflect the reason for being there – namely, to become disciples of Jesus, to learn about the Catholic faith and to experience a Christian community.  Students will be expected to:

    •    Arrive on time and be ready to begin class at the appointed time

    •    Show respect at all times for their catechists, their classmates and themselves. Disrespectful or rude language and/or behavior will not be tolerated.

    •    When the catechist is speaking on topic, students should be actively listening. 

    •    Cell phones should be left at home or turned off for the time your child is in class.


Classes meet on a specific weekday and have their own specific schedule – click here to link to the calendar.


The Diocese of Fall River mandates that there be at least 24 hours of Faith Formation instruction.  In order to provide 24 classes from September thru April, classes will be held on Sundays at the end of school vacations.  This is due to other events taking place inside and outside our Parish.

St. Anthony and St. Rita parishes are dedicated and committed to catechetical ministry and we ask your involvement by seeing that your child attends class each week.  Each lesson taught builds upon the one before so that your children receive a more complete catechesis.  Grades 1-8 will be allowed 3 excused absences a year; those in Confirmation I & II will be allowed 2 excused absences.  The only excused absences are illness or death in the family.  If your child will be absent, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 508-758-3735 or you may send a note.  Continued unexcused absences will result in your child completing makeup work or repeating a grade before he/she will be allowed to move to the next level.  Continued absences could delay receipt of sacraments.

Home Schooling

The Diocese of Fall River policy on home schooling is to allow those who are truly in need for serious reasons, to be excepted from parish programs and allowed to study at home.  The course of action, however, should provide a program which is prepared and approved by the pastor and DFF/CFF of the parish, and includes all mandatory Diocesan requirements.  The progress of the child should be monitored periodically by the DFF/CFF and determination of satisfactory completion of the program is reserved for the pastor and/or DFF/CFF.  If and when the conditions that necessitated home study cease, the student is then expected to return to the parish program.  This policy does not apply to those candidates preparing for the Sacraments since Sacramental programs extend beyond academics and prayer to include parents’ evenings, retreats, and other relevant parish and catechetical events which cannot be duplicated in a home study model, attendance is essential.

St. Anthony’s, Mattapoisett MA    

St. Rita’s, Marion MA