Liturgical Ministries
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick & Homebound
Music Ministry
These ministers serve the community in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. There is a training session scheduled for all Communion Ministers in June.
Please complete this form and give it to the parish office.
The sacred scriptures are a privileged place of divine self-revelation, especially as they are proclaimed within the liturgical assembly. Lectors play a critical role in the liturgical celebration.
These ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound on a regularly scheduled, arranged time between the minister and the homebound person. There are also ministers who visit Sippican Healthcare in Marion each Sunday from the 8am Mass at St. Anthony’s.
Altar Servers
When you sing well, you pray twice! Music that blends both spiritual and artistic excellence, is liturgical - it is sacred. It has the ability to cultivate, strengthen and deepen the spiritual experience of those gathered for worship. The musical tradition of the Church is a treasure of immeasurable value. Click here to learn more about this important ministry.
Serving as a collector involves distributing the collection baskets and returning to the back of the church to retrieve the full baskets. They are then placed in a larger basket. The collectors send the Gift Bearers forward to the altar.
Boys and girls in Grade 3 and up are invited to serve the assembly at the altar. Altar Server form is provided for you so you may download it and return it to the parish office or in collection basket. Sign-up schedules are listed in the sacristy.
St. Anthony’s, Mattapoisett MA
St. Rita’s, Marion MA