Parish Council

We seek to continue to grow as our communities come together. We look forward to ideas and input from all parishioners as we all go forward as disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Council meets quarterly and will publish minutes from the meetings. If you are interested in sharing ideas or feedback, please contact a member of the Council.

Joint St. Anthony - St. Rita 

Parish Council

Ex Officio:

Parish Priest

Deacon Tyrone Gonsalves

Mary Chaplain, Faith Formation

Mike Costa, St. Vincent de Paul


David Pierre, Secretary

Donna Giella (2023)

Colby Rottler (2023)

Bob Teixeira(2003)

Elected Members:

Joanne Riley (2023)

Natalie Taber

St. Rita of Cascia

Vin Malkoski, St. Vincent de Paul


Frank Caffarella

Joe Napoli

Elected Members:

St. Anthony’s, Mattapoisett MA    

St. Rita’s, Marion MA