Music Ministry

The liturgical musicians’ work is to support the prayer of the people.  Musicians share in this work when they offer their time and talent to support this prayer.  The term musician applies to both vocalists and instrumentalists.  The Song Leaders are those who provide musical leadership to the assembly during the celebration of the Eucharist through leading the sung prayer.  This includes providing vocal as well as physical support to the community’s sung prayer.

There are several ways to get involved in the music ministry.  For more information regarding the music ministry at St. Anthony’s, or to inquire about becoming a part of the music ministry, please contact Karen DeVoe, Director of Music at or call 508-965-1329.  


Song Leaders

Song Leaders are those who provide musical leadership to the assembly during the celebration of the Eucharist through leading the sung prayer.  Song leaders support the 4:30pm Saturday and 8:00am Sunday Masses, accompanied by an organist.


Parish Adult Choir

The Adult Choir presents choral music with organ/keyboard accompaniment at the 9:30am Sunday Mass, and some special feast days during the liturgical year. The Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 7pm from September-Pentecost (June). Parish Adult Choir is a mixed (four part) choir for adults high school aged and older. No audition is required. The ability to read music is helpful, but not a prerequisite. All are welcome!


Children’s Christmas Choir

The Children’s Christmas Choir is open to all children of the parishes, Grades 2-6, and sings at the 4pm Children’s Mass at St. Anthony’s on Christmas Eve.  Rehearsal schedule is TBD and will be announced.  By learning and leading the singing of a wide variety of Christmas songs and carols, the children can take part in ministry at some important feasts of the Liturgical Year.

St. Anthony’s, Mattapoisett MA    

St. Rita’s, Marion MA