Other Resources

Links to third party sites with content that may be of interest.

A service of Franciscan Media, it is home of the online editions of St. Anthony Messenger, Catholic Update and other Catholic features. Also contains reliable info on the Catholic and Christian faith. Features include Saint of the Day and Minute Meditations as well as Catholic ecards.


Fun engaging crafts and ideas to bring the Catholic faith to life for young families.


Resources for parents to help nurture spirituality in the home.

An excellent website – learn more about Catholics Come Home and returning to your Catholic Faith.

The Vatican’s website – be sure to set the language to English.

Resources for Catechists

A diocesan, co-educational, college preparatory school serving a diverse student population with mission to holistically educate students to be spiritually, academically and socially prepared to meet the demands of higher learning and life.

Catholic TV Utilizing powerful technology, we strive to connect People of Faith. Through relevant, inspiring and prayerful programming we educate, teaching the Wisdom of God in the Catholic Tradition, endeavoring to move people of all ages, cultures and attitudes toward the Fullness of Life

Resources for Couples

Multi-denomination Christian Resources to empower families to talk about their Faith, Pray together, Ritualize important moments and Reach out in service and support of others.

Outside da Box Video for Catholic Youth Ministry… May inspire your YouTube Teen


Loyola Press embraces the Jesuit passion for helping people to find God in all things. Online resources for Families, Prayer, Ministry and More.

The first Catholic website aims to form an online Catholic community committed to evangelize the social world by building up the Kingdom of Christ through their Families, Parishes, Dioceses and general communities.

All of the news and information from our Diocese of Fall River.

A Catholic Mom Blog that may resonate with any Mom