For Holy Week Mass times, click here
St. Anthony’s Mass Times
Saturdays at 4:30pm and
Sundays at 8am & 9:30am.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 9:30am Mass.
Daily Mass 8am, Monday - Friday
Rosary: Thursdays after 8am Mass.
Blessed Sacrament Adoration is held on the 1st Friday of month with Deacon Tyrone.
22 Barstow St, Mattapoisett, MA(map)
Adoration 8:30am-6pm
6pm: Stations of the Cross
Soup Supper in the Hall after Stations
St. Rita’s Mass Times
Sunday Mornings at 11:30 and
Saturdays at 5:00pm from July 4
through Labor Day weekend.
121 Front Street, Marion MA (map)
Join in the celebration of Fr. Marek’s
30th Anniversary of Ordination
Support our mission and outreach efforts by donating today. Every contribution helps us serve our community better.
The Parish of St. Anthony - St. Rita Mattapoisett & Marion, MA
Fr. Marek Chmurski, Pastor
Dodie Fontaine, Office Manager,
Mary Chaplain, Faith Formation, 508-785-3735
Natalie Taber, Marriage Coordinator, 508-758-6263
Karen DeVoe, Music Director,
The Parish Office is located at 22 Barstow Street in the center of Mattapoisett, across from Center School. It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, from 8am until 3pm, and closed Wednesdays and Holidays.
Call 508-758-3719.
Pastor, Fr. Marek Chmurski
Sacraments of Baptism are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month and during Mass on the 3rd Sunday. The sacrament of Marriage requires at least 6 months of preparation. The sacraments are celebrated regularly at St. Anthony’s. Reconciliation is offered Saturdays at 3:45pm or by Appointment. Anointing of the Sick is offered after 8am mass. First Communion is celebrated as part of our 2nd Grade Faith Formation as is Confirmation in 10th Grade. We also offer through our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program. Call the office for more.
The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the seven sacraments. Learn more about each sacrament here.
We’d love to have you join our Parish Family! You may register by calling during office hours, Monday-Friday 9am – 4pm (closed for Lunch 12:30-1:30pm) or by simply downloading a copy of the registration form. Mail it or drop it off at Mass. Glad to have you!
St. Anthony’s, Mattapoisett MA
St. Rita’s, Marion MA